Friday, September 7, 2007

The Good Life Expansion

The Good Life will be expanding and moving in late September. The new location will be at the end of the block, next to Whimsy. We've spent hundreds of hours working on the space, but we failed to get any pictures of the very early stages.

Here's what we started with - three areas that had to be demolished/removed. The first area was a storage area/display area behind the west window. The second area was an entry way that included a false ceiling around a second door entering into the main space. The third area was a transition area between the 25x75 foot area in the front of the store and the the 22 x 22 foot area in the rear. Oh yes, everything was covered by carpet - which smelled, like moldy socks. Oh yes, there was the basement, with another layer of carpet, which had been submerged in basement floodings several times. This carpet was foam backed, and the carpet came up real easy - only the foam stayed stuck to the floor. Yuck!!!

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